
Why we started Carrot

We wanted to give users the simplest, easy to understand way to participate in DeFi/Crypto without speculation risk.

Our tokenized yield aggregator, which maximizes earned interest by constantly monitoring the top on-chain lending protocols and automatically moves funds to capture the highest available rates

Jack and James have been active builders in the Solana ecosystem and enthusiastic DeFi users for a long time. They found themselves frustrated by the overwhelming number of DeFi opportunities that were supposedly available but difficult to track, manage, and measure success against passive holding. Tracking from a wallet was tough, and the rate of return was often unclear.

After exploring various apps that tried to address these issues, they found them bloated with too many options. That's when they turned their attention to DeFi lending and saw a big opportunity. They realized that as DeFi protocols become more commoditized, automated aggregation would be the key to success.

Their goal was to create a simple, straightforward, single-token experience that people would love. They believed that a tokenized approach would be better than individual accounts because it offers speed, cost reduction, impact, and diversification.

With a significant amount of Assets Under Management (AUM), they saw the potential to build their own borrow/lend platform, leveraging their customer relationships, diversified revenue streams, and insights into the supply and demand curve.

What is Carrot