Core concepts

Ways to use Carrot

Carrot creates a passive yield bearing instrument that makes it a perfect compliment to any dApp or other DeFi protocol that ever deals with idle capital. Instead of your order book, amm pool, or vault simply holding onto stables until withdrawn by the user, you could be earning interest on those deposits!

dApp Integrations

Since we are talking about an SPL token on Solana, the integration could not be more straightforward.

  1. On user deposit, your program would call the carrot program to mint the carrot token using the provided collateral.
  2. You then simply hold the token, just like you would have before.
  3. When the user requests a withdraw, your program would call the carrot program to redeem carrot for USDC

If interested in working with Carrot behind the scenes, please reach out to us directly on our Discord!


Treasuries managed by multi-sig need passive products. When funds can’t be actively managed, we offer a perfect solution. Our passive products ensure that treasuries can grow securely and efficiently without requiring constant oversight, providing peace of mind to fund managers.

Passive holding

Finally taking profit off the table after your last killer trade? Carrot provides the easiest, most straightforward way to earn yield on your stablecoins while you wait to deploy captial into your next opportunity.
